After 5.5 years, I am leaving Microsoft.
When I first joined, it was after 15 years in the backup/recovery and high availability market. I joined to be part of DPM v1, which had been in market for about a month, because the idea that Microsoft producing its own backup solution could change how Windows administrators dealt with backup – and it did. It has been an amazing time and I am very proud to now see DPM as a mainstream option for many Windows environments. DPM 2012 (v4) is almost in beta and it just keeps getting better !
Along the way, it was a privilege to work on several other technologies, as well:
File Services & Storage Solutions |
File Services & Storage Solutions |
I even had the opportunity to accomplish one of my career goals – to author and publish my book on Data Protection and Availability.
It’s been an awesome adventure – I have learned much, done some cool things, seen some amazing places, and made many friends – all of which, I am extremely grateful for.
So, where I am headed next? I haven’t decided yet. I am taking part of the summer off to spend with my family and rest up – but I have started a few conversations with some great partners that have some cool technologies and some big visions. I intend to make some commitments by the end of July and be back on the grid in August. In the meantime, please keep in touch:
You can also follow me on my new website — and a continuation of my blogs and tweets.
Thanks for reading.
JBuff … signing out.
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