As we continue our podcast series for DPM 2007 (now with Service Pack 1) — here is a new TechNet Edge podcast on how to do individual item level restore with DPM 2007 and Exchange 2007.
This particular topic is not "SP1 specific", but is one of the most common questions that we hear about DPM, and was suggested by some of you blog-readers since watching others in the series. Please keep the suggestions coming on what else you’d like to see highlighted on DPM via podcast.
This podcast installment is actually from Ilse Van Criekinge, an Exchange MVP, who I had the privilege of meeting and watching at TechEd IT Forum 2008 in Barcelona last month. Thanks Ilse, for letting us share it !!
DPM 2007 SP1 — how to do individual item restore for Exchange — on EDGE
For more detail on how DPM 2007 protects Exchange Server, check out
By now, you hopefully have heard that Service Pack 1 was released on December 19th (Merry Christmas) — but our videos will continue throughout January as we have more DPM 2007 SP1 goodness to share. Please let us know what other topics.
As always, thanks for reading…